Sunday, February 15, 2009


BIG IDEA: creation of rhetoric and its internalization

how does guantanamo create rhetoric
what is the effect of this in terms of energy expended, internalization of the rhetoric created, how does this effect mission?

this can be used then to predict the changes in guantanamo after the terrorism program is changed.

deal with military camp - contested space (enemy soil).
obama's new administration: new diplomacy
what are cuban labor laws? cuba: appropriate place to place manufacturing?
advantage? readily available, skilled workforce
control point to filter american capitalist interests
specificity about user groups: examples... case studies
what aspects of perceptual construction?
physical presence and potential trajectory
THIS perception constructed THIS way.

david hicks: governmental charade (australian government complicit)

lack of procedural fairness:
the possibility of evidence obtained by coercion
possibility of hearsay evidence
the evidence would have probative value for a reasonable person
severe pain and suffering: bodily injury involving a substantial risk of eath, extreme physical pain, physical disfiguration of a serious nature, significant loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty.
serious mental pain and suffering: the intentional or threatened administration of mind-altering substances or procedures, the threat of imminent death, or the threat that another person will be subjected to the same.
prisoner must demonstrate that evidence was unreliable or lacking probative value

some of the crimes that detainees are being charged with did not exist when war crimes were internationally approved
not legally war crimes
"murder of persons in violation of the law of war"
loss of privileged combatant status renders every act aof belligerency an act of war
operational law handbook: states that such persons must be tried by captor state in their own courts.

guilty plea means evidence need not be tendered in court > no speculation about who was supplying evidence, whether they are reliable, etc.

credibility <--> rhetoric <--> effect

military perceptual creation:
wrangle for money > exaggerate accomplishments of base
personnel counts at guantanamo (not directed towards hierarchy)
tours of duty extended to up personnel counts
SOP: elaborate rules and procedures
provide material proof of compliance and have immaterial things done that negate it
calls things different names (deflate suicide count)

Facade method:
rules and procedures that aren't followed
show VIPs useless paper
Call things different things:
deflate suicide count
call hunger strike voluntary fasting
mindless work:
get MPs to think they are doing useful things
get interrogators to interrogate detainees about useless information

why do they use certain methods for certain things?
mindless work is for inferiors with brains--distract them, make them feel important, create useless documentation for facade method
facade is for outsiders and a little bit for the soldiers
call things different things is for outsiders

the first two waste a lot of time and energy:
the facade method is essentially double the energy: construct the image and then destroy it with actions
the mindless work is exponentially related to effect because the effect is null and the energy is quite considerable

the third changes definitions, it is very efficient with energy versus effect. it is probably the least internalized.

multiple layers of constructing an image. the effects on REALITY are negligible.

energy <--> rhetoric <--> substance
image created